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About us

Are you going to do business, work or study in Prague and looking for long term or short term accommodation? Let us help you. Our agency SFF Czech offers fully furnished or partially furnished flats for rent near the center. We have apartments for rent in locations: Old Town, Vinohrady, Nove mesto, I.P. Pavlova, Náměstí míru, Albertov, Karlin, Nový Smíchov, Anděl, Vršovice or Motol. For students we offer shared apartments close to faculties.

Who are we?

Our team has long-term experience with procuring services for foreigners.

For students we offer long or short term accommodation in furnished apartments and rooms in areas near universities, great price and appearance. Ready to help you anytime with anything during your stay in Czech Republic.

Our clients also are corporate managers, who have been authorised to lead Czech subsidiaries of their parent company. We have assisted several clients with establishing business in the Czech Republic.

We procure complex services in the sector of tourism both in Prague and in the entire Czech Republic.

What we do?

We are a specialized agency providing services to foreign people in Czech Republic. Look at our services, we will be happy to help you:

  • Relocation services in Prague
  • Rent of your property
  • Sell your property
  • Health insurance Czech Republic
  • Apartments for rent in Prague
  • All transport services
  • Tourism services Czech
  • Other services for foreigners in Czech
Why select us?
  • We provide complex services

    We will provide hotel accommodation, transfer, translations and interpreting, residence permit and establishment of the company.

  • We have long-standing experience

    The company's management has 13 years of experience in tourism, including the support of smooth stay of foreigners

  • We are really flexible

    You do not have to adapt yourself to our offer; we will adapt ourselves to your needs.

What is our aim?

The objective of the Agency SFF Czech - Services For Foreigners Czech is to help foreigners with their stay in the Czech Republic. We have personal experience with long-term stay abroad and therefore we know, how it is difficult to make arrangements in a new and strange environment. We know how to empathise with needs of our clients. A serious approach, reliability and professional behaviour is a matter of course for us. Our aim is to become a permanent partner and friend for our customers.

Conditions of personal data protection

The personal data protection of a Customer shall be governed by Regulation (EC) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / 

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