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Blue card

The blue card is a permit for long-term residence for employment purposes in the Czech Republic under special circumstances. A foreigner who has a blue card is entitled to:

  • reside in the Czech Republic and
  • work in a job for which the blue card was issued, and change that job under the conditions specified.

The blue card combines a residence permit and a work permit in one document

The blue card is issued to workers with higher professional or university education who have an employment contract for at least one year, for the statutory weekly work hours, and who have an agreed upon gross monthly or annual salary amounting to at least a 1.5 multiple of the gross annual salary in the Czech Republic announced in a Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs communication.

The blue card is valid for the term of employment set in the employment contract plus 3 months, but to a maximum of 2 years.

The blue card makes for easier access to the job market for foreigners with a higher qualification that is in demandin the Czech Republic. The completion of university education, or higher specialised education where the studies lasted for at least 3 years, is required.

The blue card is for foreigners from countries that are not members of the European Union and to which an exemption listed in Section 98 of Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on Employment, applies.

Notice: Citizens of European Union countries, Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland and their family members do not need a work permit, blue card, or green card to work in the Czech Republic.

The blue card is issued for a specific job vacancy in the Czech Republic. Jobs available for blue cards are primarily those that have not been successfully filled by workers from the Czech Republic or the EU.

A concluded employment contract is enclosed with a blue card application. Contact your employer and arrange the conditions under which your employment contract will be concluded.

The employer's contact information can be found by the job vacancy. You can complete a structured CV in the section Job offers and CV. You can also use the link "request for a job vacancy" located by the majority of offers.

The application for a blue card is submitted at the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic. Nationality is stipulated in the Decree of the Ministry of Interior No. 462/2008 Coll. Citizens of countries that are not stated in this Decree may submit a blue card application at any embassy of the CR.