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Other services related to the stay of foreigners in the Czech Republic


Criminal register statement in CZR (separately) € 34
The prices includes the following services
preparation of power of attorney
arranging for court-certified translations of civil registry documents
submitting and collecting the application for criminal register statement


Inviting a foreign citizen to CZR € 46
The price includes the following services
preparation of the application on the basis of the provided data
preparation of power of attorney
submitting the application and collecting the approved invitation


Legalization of the identity documents
€ 124
The price includes the following services
certification from the corresponding representative body
certification from the ministry of foreign affairs of CZR


Obtaining a birth number
€ 76
The prices includes the following services
preparation of the application
preparation of the power of attorney
submitting the application
entering the birth number in the identity in the ID card


Arranging for certification from revenue office for entrepreneurs (separately)
€ 60
Arranging for certification from social insurance for entrepreneurs (separately)
€ 60
Arranging for trade register statement for entrepreneurs (separately)
€ 78
Arranging for update of landregister statement
€ 24
Arranging for update of commercial register statement € 24
Arranging for a certification about the stay of foreign citizens
€ 100


Certification of an invitation for a visit in CZR (separately)
€ 44
Accompanying foreign citizens while they are receiving the documents in the F.P.
€ 60
Registration of citizens from EU countries in the register of the Foreign Police
€ 72
Registration of visas of foreign citizens of third countreis in the Foreign Police € 72


Car registration (separately) € 100
Certification of documents (separately) € 10
Commercial registr statement or land registr statement
€ 10


Ad hoc services
will be charged on the basic of the time standard
€ 24
1 hour X real time + costs related to the realized


Consultations (1 hour) € 20
will be charged on the bacis of the time standard 1 hour X real time